
Woodburn Thearter Project: All we need is money.

There is a nice theater in town.  Not nice because it is a theater, just nice because it is a space that everyone seems to connect with a special day or time in their life.  This would lead one to think that it should be an easy business to run.

For the last couple of years, I have been exploring way in which to reopen the theater -- and the best business plan for creating a reliable business for future generations to experience.  That is what we are really talking about with such a business.  Create a center that allows experience's to happen.  Somewhere for the local community to build memories.

This means that you have to structure your plans to the local community and be flexible enough to change over time.  I am not sure that this applies to everything that you do in business -- though I think this is the best approach for both the business and the community in this particular situation. 

I am not aware of any feasibility studies that have been done on this particular location.  Though I think that would be subjectively opposed to the way that you have to run this type of business.  You have to begin a project like this expecting to work for five years before you see a real return on investment.  Some amount of social marketing has to be done before you see a real result, or at-least one you can count on.

So in short the goal, which we will be expanding upon in later segments, will be to build a convertible theater.  One that can supply multiple configurations to allow small productions, stand-up comedy, as well as, motion pictures.  Each would have the opportunity of choosing their configuration; this allows each contractor, group, or the theater it's self to configure the space to provide a unique experience for the event. 

One of the specific goals will be to provide a space that is traditional in appearance in a default configuration.  By utilizing composite structures and advanced machining technology, we will be able to provide a transformable environment, that can host a talk, a prom, and more traditional entertainment. 

In this way, multiple events would be able to take place in the same day, a unique setup for each.  Allowing the theater to have a ROI then would normally be expected regarding a project of this size and scope.

By-in from the community is critical to the success of the project -- though the equity in the building at the end of construction should be more than sufficient collateral for insuring return on  investment; since the building will increase and retain it's value -- along with the equipment.

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