
Dave Chappelle - Comedy

    Dave Chappelle is perhaps one of the most influential comedians in history, not simply influencing his own generation by crossing multiple sections and subsections of the public, though his material is far from tame or otherwise "middle of the road".  Which is one of the key metrics by which to judge how influential someone is, how "extra-ordinary" they are in the world of art and entertainment: longevity.  Dave has recently been speaking volumes on the state of the culture --more from a philosophical standpoint than a racial one (in the large), as has previously been his proclivity.  Speaking out about the state of Hip Hop and the state of the Union, in ways which --at least from my perspective, however limited-- is unprecedented, rarely is there such depth and foresight seen from a comedian who is also a commercial success.  Normally, those comedians who are considered the "comedians comedian" are those not well known to the public at large.  Those such as Hicks and Stanhope are more, shall we say: acquired tastes, to use the clique'.  Chappelle, however, whether in reference to his short running show on Comedy Central, or his stellar and very artistic comeback years later, is neither conventional nor obscure.  Audiences waiting on his every appearance and his shows selling out prior to bill being wholly presented.  Yet, like Corey Holcomb and others that get far less commercial billing, Dave "keeps it real", right or wrong --even in the face of economic adversity.  Where he has been able to use art to transcend race and stereotypes or otherwise leverage these social structures to his benefit.

    I would deduce this to come, at least partly, from his stage presence. Which speaks highly of his more formal education and is not entirely disconnected from his insane work ethic and the general rigor he places into his craft.  All things we can see others who are a success, particularly in the world of entertainment as of late, have gone to great lengths to tell everyone.  Dave is continually tearing down all the initial cultural perceptions which the majority of the general public have built-up around stand-up.  Certainly in his last Netflix specials, Chappelle was as unconventional as has been seen.  Short perhaps of Louis C.K.'s earlier efforts in self-production and self-promotion.  Perhaps still, Dave is following this new trend or composite-comedy, where those such as Rogan (and his ilk) along with many others have used a combination of podcasting, Stand-up and speaking opportunities to have a far more entrenched presence in the lives of their audience.  Though this seems to be the trend --however directed by each individual and the "channels" they subscribe to, Dave has certainly become a master of these changes quickly.  It then also bears mentioning that Chappelle is filling these social and cult roles while simultaneously speaking about highly complex topics on the very edges of sociocultural understanding --and in some way extracting humor!  As my ideas on these topics are far more shaky than at least the appearance given to Mr. Chappelle's, I will leave the interpretations on accuracy of his ideas up to the listener --but from an artistic standpoint, and in the consideration of the historical standard, Chappelle is a master of the mic.

    Having certainly comeback to the forefront in strides, Dave has more projects going now than I can personally keep up with.  As various as they are secretive. Though in this effort he is certainly navigating the cultural waters, shifting beneath the feet of us all.  Perhaps mostly in the realm of politics both social and federal, but comedy and the obligatory topics within comedy have certainly been under heavy criticism for some time now --primarily in league with other social movements and the upheaval currently being experienced by way of Trump and his chosen minions.  While this is no one "fault" --and to whatever degree that is not the way we should be looking at things, for whatever sentiment is worth-- there are certainly dynamic changes which, culturally, are especially effecting comedy in way of what material is acceptable.  A treacherous time to re-enter the game, if there ever was one.  Though Chappelle has done quite a bit and authored quite a body of work since his return.   There is admittedly some irony in his charging what he does and being "openly" in the elite class (in terms of wealth) and yet being so tremendously popular with both the capitalists and the socialists among the population.  In a very Carlin like way: Dave is using the very things which divide us to unite us, along with progress the conversation in a way which was not immediately obvious. 

    Chappelle did a summer comedy tour with Jon Stewart (previously of the Daily Show w/...).  Which was running through from mid June through the end of the month.  If you were not able to catch any of the shows, you will have another chance to catch Chappelle and guest, tomorrow (9-18-2018) with Lauryn Hill & Dave Chappelle at the Hollywood Bowl, in Los Angeles California.  Tickets run from $80 - $1,200, depending on seating.  Though my budget does not currently allow for such extravagances, I am sure it will be a great time, particularly for those with garden seats.  Not getting paid to drop that in here at the end, but genuinely shocked that there are even still seats available --as I am seeing some fairly high availability as of the writing. 

    As I am tenuously making a top ten comedians list, a task which is much more difficult than I originally considered, so much so that I may be extending that number to something far more grand; but, in digging through sets: Chappelle's certainly standout. Through watching Dave's progression you start to feel as though you know him more, you can see his progression in a more "raw" sense --more so than most of the comedian's I tend toward.  He is far less the "Black Comedian" and more the artist, who is surgically playing off peoples presuppositions, ego and cultural-bias --perhaps now more so now than before or at least in more intimate settings.  But from where-ever the organic substance of his material originates and regardless of how his culture has influenced his opinions and his philosophical leanings, his material is remarkably intriguing --comically of course-- but what I think is special, what may make him the best comedian who has ever lived is his gift for innovation.  Even his peers remark at this proclivity for creating and the rhetorical and proverbial depth of cultural insight present in his work, the MFDoom of comedy, if you will.  While these elements are seemingly lost on most audiences (as with Doom), lets hope, for the sake of humanity, that people really do learn more when they laugh --if so, we are in good hands.


Chappelle Upcoming Dates: 

Older Interview from 2017: 

Source: https://youtu.be/Q0XLCWv8RkE


Eminem Vs. MKG: Thoughts and perspectives.

As I have nearly completely retreated into the academic world, I have not been writing on anything more than what I see to be more long term projects. One of those is "A History of Hip Hop" --which is an upcoming book I am planning on releasing. I have currently been working on chapters on Kool G Rap and KRS One, along with the relation they have to the music as cultural icons. In relation to this I listened to some tracks and interviews which mentioned Eminem and have since been drawn into listening to the "diss tracks" between MGK and Eminem. 

    The interesting part is how I got here and not so much the tracks themselves. This has been one of the most impressive marketing campaigns I have seen in the business, or at least the one most dramatically successful within the last decade or more which I have also followed actively. While there is always a tinge of marketing in "Gangster Rap Battles", whether that be on part of the MC selling himself or on part of the record label drumming up business within the community, a "street following" --there is most often a sense of some conversations happening behind the third wall. And though this was certainly the case from the beginning and I am even more sure of Eminem getting Diddy's approval and financing in the most recent incarnation of this urbanized drama, I am just as sure of its overall success.

    The community and the content producers, particularly on You Tube, have seen fit to make this the drama of the week, replacing numerous attempts in other areas which have recently been falling flat. Just as Hip Hop has been struggling to reassert prior values, primarily surrounding lyricism, Eminem is drawn into this battle with another --one who he's never seemed to be anything but "friends" with, or associates at the least. MGK is many things but a serious contender in the top ten MC's of all time he is not. Which, at least among most, is not even a question. Though he has certainly needed some publicity, as has Eminem. So the timing of these events along with the interviews and the initial Kamikaze album are not wholly surprising. As I mention previously, the marketing strategy here is what is truly remarkable, if the targets have been intentionally dumbed down and corralled into accepting what they are being fed.

    The ability for the MC's to turn the drama in to more substantial profit, akin to a movie opening, gaining front page attention globally for the same, is almost as monumentally telling of popular cultures direction as if politicians started doing WWF style interviews. Oh...wait.


Political problems in the U.S.

:::: WTF Sunday Night ::::
    You know what is particularly fucked here is the way guns and Trump have basically taken over the political landscape.  Though there are several outlets talking about other things, the primary statements one hears are either nonsensical ramblings from Trump's supporters desperately trying to justify his foolery, or irrational claims and unsubstantiated moral pronouncements hell bent on being more ethical or morally extreme with each given iteration by the folks on the Left.  This folks is no way to run a political discourse.  Beyond the fact that it is nonproductive it has the additional negative value of being fucking irritating.  Not any one person but the larger whole and the way their cacophony of stupidity reverberates and injects such a significant amount of noise into social media as to render it even more time consuming to navigate than it once was. Given this could just generally be there is more and more bullshit cluttering the landscape in general, which is also true, but the just constant haranguing on nonsense, most of which is the same as yesterday and is getting ever more useless as time progresses.

    And keep in mind people, I have basically taken myself out of the game.  That's right folks, the kid is no dummy, not gonna catch me wasting 12 hours a day in a state of near arrhythmic screaming at my screen.  No way.  I put in four at the most.   Cut down from nearly twice that as many months ago. You know Ryan leaving may have been the best part of my week.  It is the first time I felt like we had a general humanitarian victory with him walking out the door.  That was up until I realized how much he would be making on talks and appearances in future.  Well fuck.  And I thought we were getting somewhere.  Chances are, in fact, in his free time, he may just decide that we need to hear from him more or will otherwise join the caravel in the form of the coming presidential elections.  Let us hope he thinks better of it.

    With any hope this next years election field will be small and stuttering with one Liberal, Atheist, Lebanese, former Navy Seal, Transgender, Pacific Cartographer, Oceanographic ethnographer with a propensity for abstract conventions of language decides to run as a spoiler or some such. As bar something so intensely satisfying to the soul, I will likely find someway of configuring a Rasberry Pi to aid me in the creation of a device capable of aiding me in implosion of a highly precise area which will provide me with the perfect opportunity to stream my own definition of a social justice metaphor prior to my ultimate but swift demise.  Thanks to Facebook and the governments general disregard for both privacy and constituents monies, I will able to bring this event to you live, in HD!   

    Going into the new week you would think that I could give you some impression that things will be good, I mean: deliver some motivational shit that would convey a more positive message, like: "sure, some of the planet is on fire...people and animals are dying at a terrific rate...the nation is run by a large buffoon dressed in an Orange man suit with the scruples of a slightly retarded baboon, but McDonald's is serving breakfast all day...so we won that one...yeah, it may kill us but it is cheap, so we have that".  Not so sure that is exactly what people are looking to hear right now, but you get my point.

    The fact that the president is regularly having shouting matches with other world leaders likely puts any thinking people off.  From the start surely he seems a bit crass, but when you put him in perspective with the majority of other psychopaths in the world wielding medieval like control on a present population and say you compare Trump to Caligula, you can see he has a way to go.  He has yet to start selling the Senator's wives, though that will surely be an interesting chapter in this little book of history.

    Overall we should be fairly content that he is not showing up to press conferences in his underwear, wearing a purposefully open bathrobe, exposing a strategically stuffed Speedo.  But kid yourself not folks, that shit is coming, very soon he will start breaking down.  Just a few days ago I had to watch Trump as an uncomfortable mess, constantly murmuring something about Muller being big and mean.  No, really, this "grown ass man" who just happens to be the president really sat on television with his arms crossed, berating a well known, accomplished, competent and decorated attorney with phrases as complex, cutting and personally-transformative as: a "...Disgraceful ...witch hunt"..."it's a disgrace"..."an attack...".    I am not sure he knows many words.  I mean sure, we all have our favorites, but he seems like he has a favorite 10 out of 20, or there about.  Are we still talking about Hillary, really dude, I think he is going to start bringing up Obama's birth certificate again soon, better that than WWIII I guess.


The Weed game.

Women are owning the Marijuana Market: 
The recent and interesting phenomena that has transpired here in the West (both globally and nationally) has been majority female owned Cannabis businesses.  As has come to so often be the case in an historical sense: women will likely once again be the savor of humanity.  There is a dramatic trend in females owning, operating and doing the majority of manufacturing and packaging for the legal cannabis trade.  I feel this is due, at least in large part, to the substantial amount of men previously running the illegal trade, where a significant percentage of those are now restricted from taking part in the legal version of the trade due primarily to previous legal infractions.  As most if not all of the states involved have significant laws regarding such peoples as the industry has become more officially regulated and curtailed by reams of arguably useless and constitutionally questionable bureaucracy.   While the vast amount of Bud tender's and labor's are generally still comprised of mixed company, the majority of ownership and the "preferred tenders" are primarily female when it comes to gender.

This could very well be an observation born out of bias(though there is a large grouping of textual support), proximity and a lack of other highly technical forms of data, as this is being based primarily on personal observations and (normally stoned) perusal of industry literature; though, it must be said --as the industry is still fairly small, the amount of women in comparison to other such fields is fairly staggering.  This could indeed be a significant inroad for female CEO's and other technically proficient women to develop a great deal of wealth particularly considering the few amount of actual seats available at the proverbial table.

Not that anything I am saying or wishing for has not been done previously and said far better.  What I think it is important we do is lift up other benighted communities in similar ways.  There are surely organic type initiatives like this happening in other sectors as well (see bellow) though if something then becomes a "best practice" things that are just done, then I would imagine the opposition, fiscal restrictions and legislative support would be adjusted to fit the ever evolving situation far more quickly.

Though this is certainly also a case of law being (again) far behind the cultural shifts along with the technology.  And to a certain extent this must be wholly troubling to the powers that be that have, for so long, made it their mission to be against pot.  Though one by one we are seeing a shift in the dynamic --no doubt due to mounting financial and social pressure from long atrophied infrastructure, policy and legislation. 

As one of the article's bellow mentions, "activism loves women".  The very vibe women give off will likely help the cause, particularly with conservatives.  While there is a likelihood that this would not be equated also to Black and Latino women this is just a reminder of how far we have to go, if some of us would have expected to be there by now.

From an economic perspective this may be a good opportunity for a great number of workers to start a career in a "low stress" field.  By definition, "Weed Shops" are a fairly low stress, low impact environment.  There are few rules other then those imposed by law, but one of them is certainly directly connected to keeping the stress, noise and complaints down to a minimum.   And although there is always the well placed drama or complex story that takes headlines, far-and-away, recreational marijuana establishments are by far the most relaxing place you will likely visit throughout the day.

Though the fact that a cannabis business and any other business, lounge or combined intoxicants are normally a heavily restricted area, there are several in legal states which have found interesting ways to combine multiple amenities, creating a type of tourist attraction (which for some reason the state is bound on restricting).  There seems to be particular legal concern over people smoking together, when such is done outside a private residence.   Right, the last thing we want is substantial groups of people getting along, how tragic.

At-any-rate, with the right amount of community and political support in place, this market will hopefully grow and provide many women with the opportunity to break into and essentially create a large and likely sizable section of the world economy.  And I really do not see that as overstating the point, as fond as I am for sarcasm and other such pleasures.  The high levels of conscientiousness and social agreeableness of women, along with the "natural teacher" aspects of many women's personalities will likely make them far more successful against the more aggressive and obtuse men they will be competing with.  Overall I think we can also look for this to be evident of a substantial change in business altogether --if there is a significant amount of companies being nice, communicating and putting customers first; along with making growing profits and developing highly organized and dynamic systems, the likelihood for substantial and sustained competition between the modern and more antiquated businesses seem nearly certain.  Though I have been critical of some female executives in the past, the majority of women business leaders I know or have looked into have done far better than their male counter parts, nationally and internationally.  Unfortunately this is not true in each and every country, there are a significant amount that are still living in something which could most rightly be considered the dark ages, in comparison to the modern West.

For all the problems and political turmoil alive and well in the West, there is a significant amount to be both thankful for and programs, projects, cities, people and business leaders to heap praise upon --legislation initiatives to get excited for and populations to support in their ever progressing fight for equality and social equity.  For all the faults of the West, it must be admitted that there has been a significant reduction in overall deaths, from war, famine or otherwise; there has been a burgeoning of social justice crusades that have made exponential progress over their decades old counterparts --while there has still be a significant amount of the population suffering; whether from poverty or the prison industrial complex, guns or drugs, or whether it be some other eventuality perpetuated by the substantial differential in wealth in the country --in any of the numerous ways that manifests-- by-and-large there are far less horrors and violations of rights than in previous generations; with any hope: ending of the drug war will be an addition to the continuum.

Related Articles
"Weed Could be first... industry NOT dominated by men."-- (March 2015). newsweek.com/2015/08/28/women-weed-how-legal-marijuana-could-be-first-billion-dollar-industry-not-364249.html 

- "Reasons Why Weed and Women Go Together" -- (October 2016) --potent.media/reasons-why-weed-and-women-go-together 

- "Women in Weed..." -- (March 2018). Westword.com/marijuana/women-in-weed-documentary-shows-how-women-can-thrive-in-legal-industry-10057196


Update - 2018.25.02 - Fucking Trump, Really...and other things that likely will not interest you.

    Still really cannot bring myself to believe that Trump is president, it is nearly like living in an actual T.V. show.  Prior to him suggesting that teachers should have guns, it sounded like a good idea or at least one that was plausible...now I believe I have changed my position and become wiser.

This is really Trumps function in American politics, he is here to show us all the things we are doing wrong that we may have thought correct are indeed totally wrong and further confirm insufficient, all the ideas that some or all of us either questioned or rejected at some point in the past or otherwise those which we just always had a bad feeling about to begin with.

The "Alt-right", yep bad.  Jeff Sessions in a position of power, demonstratively bad idea.  Alex Jones, full of shit --clearly.  Pence's dealing with public policy and doing "damage control", horrible idea.  Breitbart...confirmed, racist and unstable.

This can go for supporters as well, if you had that relative that you thought was dumb, but you were never quite sure, well...if they are a Trump supporter, you can now put a big check in that fucking box.  Feel free to move on from these conundrums, and allow Trump to at least save you some time, if he thinks it's good, you can be reasonably sure it is not.  Just choose the opposite.  Think of it as him just eliminating some of the choices and simplifying the argument --there is surely  a Campbell's soup analogy here.

So really, what we have to do here is look on the bright side, be the Bob Ross of our proverbial life-painting, "make those trees happy trees" --there may be a psychopathic, misogynist with an IQ that contains a decimal point, but he can none-the-less be of some utilitarian use, help us in confirming the more nuanced and rhetorical questions of our social structure, so that others may learn from our mistakes and so we may yet live to try again. 
