
Update - 2018.25.02 - Fucking Trump, Really...and other things that likely will not interest you.

    Still really cannot bring myself to believe that Trump is president, it is nearly like living in an actual T.V. show.  Prior to him suggesting that teachers should have guns, it sounded like a good idea or at least one that was plausible...now I believe I have changed my position and become wiser.

This is really Trumps function in American politics, he is here to show us all the things we are doing wrong that we may have thought correct are indeed totally wrong and further confirm insufficient, all the ideas that some or all of us either questioned or rejected at some point in the past or otherwise those which we just always had a bad feeling about to begin with.

The "Alt-right", yep bad.  Jeff Sessions in a position of power, demonstratively bad idea.  Alex Jones, full of shit --clearly.  Pence's dealing with public policy and doing "damage control", horrible idea.  Breitbart...confirmed, racist and unstable.

This can go for supporters as well, if you had that relative that you thought was dumb, but you were never quite sure, well...if they are a Trump supporter, you can now put a big check in that fucking box.  Feel free to move on from these conundrums, and allow Trump to at least save you some time, if he thinks it's good, you can be reasonably sure it is not.  Just choose the opposite.  Think of it as him just eliminating some of the choices and simplifying the argument --there is surely  a Campbell's soup analogy here.

So really, what we have to do here is look on the bright side, be the Bob Ross of our proverbial life-painting, "make those trees happy trees" --there may be a psychopathic, misogynist with an IQ that contains a decimal point, but he can none-the-less be of some utilitarian use, help us in confirming the more nuanced and rhetorical questions of our social structure, so that others may learn from our mistakes and so we may yet live to try again. 


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